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Old 01-18-2012, 08:12 AM
Titus2woman Titus2woman is offline

Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 2,485
Want to help me pick a new religion?

Poke a fork in me... I think I am done!... With the UPCI that is.

We were originally part of a very large UPCI church but left to try to find something less negative and more normal. We then spent two years in a smaller UPCI church and while I found the change of pastor somewhat of a change I still really can not seem to make the UPCI and their doctrine work in my life. So as of about two months ago we started getting out by cutting back services and relinquishing commitments.

Let me be plain to say that we are not ready to give up on God and feel we need a church home. Towards that I have spent the past two months reading doctrinal statements by the scores. I know more about religion than I really ever wanted to but still have no idea where to go...So I made a list, in no particular order, are some things I know about me... anyone want to hazard a guess at where I might fit in?

1. I do not buy the trinity but am not convinced that oneness (taught the UPCI way) is technically correct either. Best I can explain the Godhead is to say that it's not either one of those views, may be too hard for humans to understand or explain or if there is a good explanation I haven't heard it.

2. I believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit. I do not believe that the HS will make one act like a maniac and really want to avoid the whooping wild worship associated with Pentecost but still desire liberty in worship.

3. I prefer expository teaching.

4. I prefer a place where simplicity, modesty, etc. are taught and practiced but not turned into a set of rules.

5. I would like some kind of interactivity in church. A time either in classes or after teaching/preaching where questions are welcome. I do not appreciate some one giving me my opinion if they want it especially when delivered as screaming from behind the pulpit.

6. I want balance with my life apart from church. I can't come to 5 or 6 services/events/programs a week at church. I am happy if they are offered for those who want them but I do not want to be seen as less spiritual for not being at everything.

7. I would like to avoid money hungry church. Big building and expansion plans and their subsequent demands on the people to finance their personal dreams, dirty rich and getting richer ministry, places where tithes are taught in a threatening way. I am a generous, cheerful and faithful giver but really want to tear up my check after being told that if it is not enough I will instantly drop dead if lucky... if not I will get cancer like some other poor sucker... uhmm, I mean sister, did.

8. I'm not big on hearing about hell all the time or how everyone I know will wind up there and it will be all my fault if I don't manage to drag them to the next revival. I would prefer to skip the hell business all together but will tolerate it occasionally. I do my level best to reach the lost but am comfortable to leave others on their own spiritual journey without having to convince them that my way is the only way.

9. I prefer Sabbath keeping if possible but am willing to worship on Sunday. I don't want to hear that Sabbath keepers are stupid or that people that worship on Sunday are going to hell (see above).

10. I don't really care for a lot of holiday hoopla. Trunk or Treat for Halloween, Christmas banquets, Valentines and Mother's day fund raisers, Easter picnics but if they go on it's no big deal to me as long as I am not required to participate for conscience sake.

Any guesses even?


Last edited by Titus2woman; 01-18-2012 at 08:17 AM.
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