Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
Its a little different when preaching to the very poorest in society, or when preaching in thrid world countries or Islamic regimes where christians are oppressed. And thats why I am so adamantly against tithing, because it destroys the poor and lower class people. Again I say to them it makes God a lein holder and a landlord. A diety who must be approached and appeased by the giving of money. It makes salvation by corruptible things like silver and gold, rather than the precious blood of Christ. It denies the biblical theology of grace and rips the tithe out of the Mosaic law. It denies the New Testament model of eldership in the church and a plurality of bishops ALL of whom were equals (and equally to be supported as taught in 1 Timothy 5;17), denies the priesthood of the believer (thus the right to be supported by tithes), often forgets the poor, needy, widows, and orphans-OR gives only a small percentage to such causes while the lions share goes to one man, and more than anything destroys the character of God by making Him vindictive towards anyone in noncompliance after the examples of Achan, Ananias, and Saphrrira, which results in many people serving God through fear, and even destoying the faith of some for the sake of money. both the former is especially evident in basically every tithing thread in the history of AFF.
There was a prominent Pastor from Florida who used to come to these parts to preach revival for churches here. In one revival, he preached over the pulpit that if you did not have the money to pay your rent, you pay your tithes anyhow. This was over 25 years ago, but when I heard this related from my husband, who bought the tape of the sermon. I am thinking, what kind of person is someone who can take a tithe from someone else who is about to get kicked out of their home?
The message, I believe was to encourage people to have faith to trust in God even though we are living in shaky, perilous times. It was a good message except that he could have said something along the lines that if you don't have the money to pay your rent, trust, believe and praise God anyhow....not pay your tithes anyhow.