This is the link where I first read about it. Redstate references the links where they got the information. One is specifically by Richard Winger. You will see all of these links, I think three, that are underlined. I know you like to check things out for yourself, so I won't highlight the information. I'll let you take it from the beginning and go from there.
It appears to me, from Perry's lawsuit filed, that he is addressing, specially, the onerous rules with the petition circulators having to be registered Virginian voters. He said that in Texas you pay $5,000 and gather 4,500 to 5,000 signatures. It should be that simple for anyone.
What I believe is that the GOP Establishment wants an Obamalite candidate - Romney - so that Obamacare will pass. They want to put forth a semblance of a fight, but they aren't serious about it. You will find that to be true in one of my links, above, with Gov. McDonnell (VA), who is being considered a possible VP pick.
Anyway, as you, I am standing by my candidate until the last hurrah. I will vote in the primary and then I will leave the Republican Party and register as an Independent. I have had enough of the GOP Establishment. It is my opinion that in order to kill the party, we need to simply walk away. The Tea Party went retarded on itself, so they are not a big help.
I talked to my mother, yesterday, and didn't know she had already registered as an Independent. I did get to speak to her about her misconceptions on Gov. Perry. I believe she will be giving him another look. She needs to stop watching ABC news.