Re: Are You Having Church Sunday?
Originally Posted by MissBrattified
We're not having service, but I would be okay with it if we were. Personally, I'm thankful to have a quiet day with my family and not attending a formal service doesn't in ANY way mean that God will be left out of our home or our day. I saw a post by a pastor on facebook about this very thing that I felt was a somewhat judgmental. *They* are having church and invited anyone who isn't to attend at their place. In addition, they posted this rather pointed message:
Local pastors know their congregation and their families better than anyone else. There is nothing wrong with giving them the day off to travel and spend time with family. In some churches, nearly everyone leaves town for the holidays because their families don't live close.
It's odd to me that some people want to use this as a way to feel spiritually superior.
You are so right on the head of the nail.
God has lavished his love upon me.