12-23-2011, 09:36 PM
Registered Member
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 5,600
Re: Any other farmers/homesteaders out there
Originally Posted by Titus2woman
I was raised in the city but never learned to love it. The noise, pollution, crowds, traffic, endless hours left at the end of a day with nothing but TV...
Country life has a completely different rhythm. I rise early to milk and feed, I sit on my porch in my robe and drink coffee and watch the critters as they wake and stir around. I plant and harvest and can and cook, putting some meals on the table every week that were completely grown and raised right here. I turn milk into cheese and soap. I wash and hang clothes in the clean country air. I see life and death if not daily then at least weekly. I help things to live; baby chicks and ducklings, goatlings, calves...
When I read my bible I really, truly understand what it is to leave the flock and look for one that is lost, how the tares grow among the wheat, why a vine or tree must be grafted onto a strong root stock or it will not survive in it's natural state. I lay my tired body down at night and sleep the sleep of one is content.
I am not just a taker from the planet but am able to give back. I am able to give to others from the work of my hands. I count all that joy and not a burden at all. And it is those things and so many more that I did not find in city life.
There's something about the smell of the ground, the feel of dirt when planting that soothes my nerves.