Holman's Bible Dictionary: Glutton
GLUTTON One habitually given to greedy and voracious eating. Gluttony was associated with stubbornness, rebellion, disobedience, drunkenness, and wastefulness (Deut. 21:20). A more general meaning for the Hebrew term as a "good-for-nothing" (Prov. 28:7 TEV) is reflected in some translations: wastrel (Deut. 21:20 REB); profligate (Deut. 21:20 NIV; Prov. 28:7 REB); riotous (Prov. 28:7 KJV). When Jesus was accused of being a "glutton and wine-drinker" (Matt. 11:19; Luke 7:34), it was in this expanded sense of being one given to loose and excessive living. The Bible knows gluttony makes one sleepy and leads to not working and poverty (Prov. 23:21).
How come we never hear much at conferences about gluttony, overeating, laziness, or excess of lifestyle?
Are these still sinful practices that will keep people out of the Kingdom?
Does your local pastor teach about the dangers of gluttony and excess?
Are many afraid of the subject because of their own bulging waistline?