Originally Posted by Pressing-On
You are reminding me a comment I read yesterday:
"If Newt would have known he would have captured the top GOP spot for President, he would have lived his life over to correct personal failure."
My response: "I am thankful that Gov. Rick Perry, not knowing that one day he would run for President, doesn't have to live his life over to correct personal failure. He has lived a life that has prepared him for the run."
And since they're willing to accept that he's simply made 30 years of "mistakes" which he has now apologized for, I think we need to point out that making 30 years of mistakes shows extremely bad judgment. (Not exactly a quality we want in our Commander-in-Chief.)
Newts mistakes have been with women. bad marriages, bad decisions while married.
Thomas Jefferson
Franklin D. Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy
Ronald Reagan
William Jefferson Blythe Clinton
are just a few Presidents who both made poor moral choices in the area of their marriages yet each proved to be adept presidents.
I weary of demanding pristine personal records from republicans only while democrats and have sex with anything other than a live boy or a dead girl and get away with it.