Re: What will Bro. Haney's legacy be?
Originally Posted by pelathais
He was in fact the "Target" of the "Boner"/Price Mafia, at least his school was. After Richard Gazowsky, of course. Crazy as Richard is, he put Price and those guys in their place with one call to his lawyer. Paul Price was almost in tears over that when he stood on the platform during the business meeting in 1992.
"Some of them ("compromisers") are threatening to sue! We need this Resolution!"
Another target was a man that I consider to be a great Christian. He pastors an unnamed church somewhere in Silicon Valley. His wife is an accomplished musician and recording artist, but I'm not naming anyone by name here. This pastor was literally robbed of $10,000's of dollars when the "Boner" Terry crowd went after him.
"Are you gonna pull out now!?!" they gleefully demanded (pull out of the UPC). They obviously knew nothing about real character and grace. The pastor just ate his losses and continued to support the district and the UPC. Guys like this are never recognized across the pulpit at GC or in our published magazines.
Of course, if word ever got out about how we treat guys like this, it would be a real scandal and cause of embarrassment. Can't let the Sheeple know the facts!
It's a nasty thing when people say things like that and do things like that. I think it is interesting when crooks are let go because people are afraid to challenge them. I understand just being the bigger person, but I guess in the end they got what they got.
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.