Originally Posted by Margies3
How about a pet rock? did you have one of those?
and everything was psychodelic. And tie-dyed. The brighter the better
Was Saturday Night Live from the 70's or the 80's? I can't remember. Gilda Radner - do you remember her?
How many of you read LOVE STORY? Eric Segal was the author - right? Even the music made us cry.
Andy Worhol's tomato soup can! Who can forget that?
Dego tees......sounds like a racial slur but that's what we called them. They were tank tops and usually two or more were worn together.....LOL!
Pink and gray worn together was in style also.
Also, bright color combinations. One of my favs was a certain blue shirt with a yellow sweater and a red skirt. Sounds strange now but it was cool then!
There were also shirts with long tails in the back. I loved those shirts.
Hahaha.....this is the wrong thread....thought it was the 80's one......ROFL!!!