Originally Posted by mfblume
No, truth does not change. How God dealt with sin changed. That is one covenant to another. See? The covenants were foretold to change. It does not mean truth changes, though. Truth is different from ways of dealing with sin. Sin is still sin as much as it ever was. But how to deal with it changes. So truth never changes. Jesus never changes. He does not contradict what he once said. Truth is never contradicted. Difference in dealing with sins is not contradiction of truth.
The truth is (or once was), adulterers are to be killed. That's the proper and true way of dealing with sin according to the commandment. To teach that adulterers are to be allowed to live was, at one time, to teach error, teaching a lie. Yes, we do see exceptions to that such as with David and Bathsheba, but for the average run-of-the-mill everyday adulterer, the commandment was not to commit adultery and if you did, the true commandment included death for the adulterers.
Granted, the new truth is a better and more compassionate truth, but it's a modified truth, a different truth than once was taught. I for one am glad of the modification.