Originally Posted by seekerman
The thread is just a microcosm of the discussions taking place 2000 years ago when a smallish carpenter's helper suddenly appeared on the scene and told the folks in a religion established for 2000 years that the religion wasn't the true religion anymore. In fact, the carpenter's helper said, if you continue to follow that religion (which was established by God Himself), you'll burn in hell.
Same song today, just a different verse. The established religious folks say no, forget anything new spiritually, it's over. If you explore and seek deeper spiritual truths, they are really lies and you'll burn in that big torture chamber of God. They say that God FINALLY established a religion 2000 years ago which would never be changed, He was just experimenting with the religious stuff prior to that.
Religion will always attempt to take freedom from individuals and attempt to mold those individuals in the image of their understanding.
Don't let that happen, brother.
I appreciate your encouragement seekerman and I appreciate Blume stating his position. Kabbalah and gnosticism are not doing anything for me since they are mainly extrabiblical, but I'll continue looking into them. Mysticism, on the other hand, I'm just beginning and Blume may be right that there is nothing there, but I want to find out for myself. I am totally against the spirit that says don't investigate at all, take someone's word for it. No thank you, I am strong enough in my faith to dig deeper into nonmainstream views. I don't understand why people set themselves up as authorities into what people can study or not.
Blume, I've watched about 6 Kabbalah lessons and none of them mention the occult. I think you fail to comprehend that there are different streams of kabbalah and that Bnei Baruch kabbalah is not into the occult. even though they are a new age system of belief.