Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
i listed 2 sites in my opening post that i'm looking at. i think it has to do with union with christ through meditation, prayer, alms giving etc. I'm just looking for deeper spirituality, not preaching on holiness standards. I am just starting to look, i am sure there is more.
There are far deeper teachings about God and the church to be gained from many deep believers without going to mysticism. get some books by Gene Edwards, Andrew Murray, FB Meyer, or Watchman Nee. They'll blow your socks off with deeper Christian life. I have been in deeper Christian life and studies now for 25 years. It gets more awesome all the time.
There are some who were considered mystics, like Jeanne Guyon in the 1600's, but she was only thought so by the cold and dead catholic system back then. The last book she ever wrote was, aside from the bible, burned by the catholic church more than any other book. Spiritual Torrents. It is wonderful. Read her autobiography, as well.
The deepest Christian studies you will find have to do with really denying self and learning how to let Christ live through you.
Gal. 2:20 material. The mystical stuff is more sensational and actually caters to carnality, to be truthful. The flesh is fascinated with mystical things.
Check out the Chronicles of the Door, by Gene Edwards. A five part series starting with "The Beginning. "
Read Calvin Miller's "The Singer Trilogy".
Watchman Nee's "The Spiritual Man", which is free and online here: