Originally Posted by secretplace
Is it right? Is it worth it to gamble with our kids?
We place them in vulnerable situations especially our teens which may not be the best for them. Some have godly parents to "watch" over them and some don't. Sad to say, ashes to ashes and dust to dust is pronounced over some of them spiritually.
Yes there are those who argue that fences keep any and all interaction with the world from happening. Hey there's more ways to interact with the world than over a basketball, football etc. I see strength in saying "I don't want a sport to be my god." I know people who have stepped back from great careers in the sports world because they felt it was going to be a hindrance to them spiritually.
And yes there are those who argue that we make "whimps" out of our kids by protecting them from pitfalls.
And yes you are absolutely right that there is no guarantee if you protect them that they will turn out good.
My argument is that teens are too "precious" to be gambled with in the sports arena.
What think ye?
Don't let them to college then. They must stay out of the business field, which can places of great carnality and competition.