I Used to Smile in Pictures
Dear friends,
There has been so much talk about my lack of smiling in pictures.
I have avoided talking about it because I am self-conscious about it.
But tonight, Tamor asked me a question on another thread that brought a flood of memories rushing back, some of them repressed, and I must share it with you dear ones so that I can begin the long, arduous process of healing. It will probably take me several years, counting all the setbacks I will undoubtedly suffer.
Yes, Brothers and Sisters, there was a time I used to smile for pictures.
In fact, I won a "Most Photogenic Baby" contest in Arkansas. It was one of my greatest achievements. In fact, I guess you could say I peaked out early in life.
But there came a day when all the smiles faded.
The thing that took my smile was...it's hard for me to even type it... spiritual abuse.
Yes, I am a survivor of spiritual abuse.
It was Easter.
We were all dressed up in our finest.
Our Sunday School teacher had us all lined up getting ready to take our picture, and I was sneaking and pulling my sister's pig tails.
She yelled at me to stop, and my teacher made me go stand in the corner, and I didn't get my picture taken with the other children.
Maybe that's why I hate rabbits to this day...you never know how deep the scars can reach on traumatic events like that.
My wife has been reading over my shoulder, and is rushing to the bathroom to hide the shampoo bottles lest I drink a big dose and end it all.
Please be in prayer for me as I try to win back my smile.
Stop Spiritual Abuse!