Originally Posted by MissBrattified
All human beings are born sinners. It comes easy to us, although my besetting sin may not be the *one* that besets others, necessarily. So with that in mind, it doesn't matter to me whether people choose the homosexual lifestyle or they are born that way. The Bible calls it sinful. The Bible condemns adultery (heterosexual sex practiced outside God's boundaries), and it doesn't matter if you were *born* with an attraction to women who aren't your wife, it's still a sin to take one to bed. You might have been a chronic liar since you were a toddler, and lies might roll easily off your tongue, but that doesn't mean it isn't a sin. Being born with a weakness of character or a fatal attraction does not change the definition of what sin is. God's Word defines sin, and that should be where we look to determine how we live our lives.
That's very true. Also, God allows us to struggle with specific vices in order to prepare us for specific things He wants/needs us to accomplish. For instance PastorTLArt is probably equipped to reach the gay and lesbian community far more than most of us are.