ALthough I do not see many movies, here was an interesting review from one of my favorite commentators.
It turns out that the evil entity in this particular Green Lantern movie was some glob named Parallax. Apparently Parallax feeds on fear. The more fear Parallax can absorb from its victims the stronger Parallax becomes. Parallax apparently poses little threat to those without fear.
And just who in our body politics gains strength from fear? That would be the Democrat Party. Tell people they’re going to lose their Social Security. Wizened citizens become afraid and the Democrat Party become stronger. Tell people that the Republicans want to end Medicare; they want old people to get sick and die; and, in fact, they push old ladies off cliffs in wheelchairs – people become afraid and the Democrat Party becomes stronger.
I think it’s commendable for the Hollywood film industry to give us this wonderful object lesson as the election season heats up. Just remember --- Barack Obama is Parallax.