Originally Posted by Michlow
I feel once again that I need to make a distinction, there is a difference between those who are born and raised in an abusive environment, and those who just experience it for a time.
Those who are born in it, are made to think that it is normal. It colors and distorts their entire view of the world around them. It is much harder for them, because they effectively need to first be shown that they have a distorted image, and then they need to be helped to build a true and Godly foundation.
Those who never gain the revelation that what they were "sold" was a lie, are those who walk away from God and everything associated with Him. They harbor great bitterness and become hardened and antagonistic towards the things of God.
Those who are born in a healthy environment, but for a time find themselves in an abusive environment, have an edge up, so to speak. They are more likely to realize that there is a problem a lot sooner, and to get out while only minimal damage has been done. They are also more likely to seek a healthy environment, and to forgive and "move on".
Of course! Often times, those born into abusive situations continue to go from one abusive situation to another. As you said, they need to re-learn what is right, appropriate & healthy.