Originally Posted by onefaith2
Thanks for telling me and I'm sorry to hear that. We've lost a lot of good men of God in recent years. He would be one of them.
Did you ever preach for him? He was truly a great man. While I was speaking
at his service, I spoke of one of his greatest character traits was that he could disagree with you, and still not offend you.Most folks just cant seem to do that............
A couple of months before he passed we talked about some stuff...You
know what I mean...I was a associate pastor there for over 15 yrs.. so
I felt like we needed to talk about some of the Stuff I had been taught.
We had a great time discussing some of the issues. He didnt completly agree, but we had
a good time talking about the way it's always been.
The one thing about PaPa was that he was Consistent!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another trait that we lack in alot.....