Originally Posted by BeenThinkin
Great post Deacon.
Terrible post Deacon.
This is why Trump is not a serious contender for the office of the Presidency.
At first, I was a little excited about Trump's run-- but he decided to appeal to the "baser sorts" of our ilk.
I hope he picks Palin as his running mate and they destroy themselves politically speaking in their lunacy.
I don't have access to my original birth certificate. If the state of Maryland does not have it somewhere it is lost forever. The same thing with my original social security card and my original driver's license.
I have had to order a birth certificate on at least three different occasions.
The certificate I have received from the State of Maryland has always been sufficient for passports and other official purposes.
If I was President Obama, I'd never give in to the "birthers", if for no other reason than to stand strong for the next guy's character that people attempt to assasinate.