One Who Failed
One Who Failed
When some fellow yields to temptation
and breaks a conventional law
we look for no good in his makeup
but my how we pick at the flaw
No one asks how he was tempted
or allows for the battle he fought
His name becomes food for the jackals
those who have never been caught
‘He has sinned’ they shout from the housetops
And his presence they all try to shun
They tell how he lost his last battle
They forget the times he has won
‘Come hither and gaze on a sinner
and by this example be taught
that the primrose path leads to hell’
cry those who have never been caught
I’m a sinner oh Lord and I know it
I blunder and falter and fail
As I walk this rocky road of life
like a ship that’s tossed in a gale
I’m willing to trust in thy mercy
whose blood my forgiveness has brought
I’m willing to trust in thy mercy
when I fail in the battle I fought
Author unknown
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