Originally Posted by UnTraditional
Autopsies can be forged and stories can be made up. This would not be the first time something like this happened, and it will not be the last. As AB said, the world hates the ministry, and even some 'believers' hate the ministry, especially when the ministry does not fit into what their mold says. God uses whom He wants how He wants.
AA Allen was a man of faith and God used him mightily. I will leave it as that. The nonsense, the attacks on his person, the hatred against him, I simply ignore. Stories and lies like this should be ignored in the light of how the Lord did use the man.
Originally Posted by Apprehended
I would advise everyone to not take up a rumor without personal evidence against a man of God unless you want to face that in judgment.
There, see? Even Appie reproves those who are calling the Medical Examiner a "liar."