Originally Posted by coadie
Typical leftist agenda. I am accused of being ignorant and biggoted if I execercise free speech and say in public that gubment is too big and is the problem not the solution.
I can name several people I prayed for and they got hired. I see it.
I expect to be called ignorant and bigoted if the Big Gubment folks see me make statements that I disdain. Just to place things in context. I have more economics classes from brick and mortar institutions than you, Obama and Geithner put together. Yikes.
You can say whatever you'd like, under the guise of Free Speech. You can even wear a Klan hat if you'd like. Saying "gubment" is distasteful, rude, ignorant and has racial pejoratives connected to it. The word is "government."
Glad you pray for people. Pin a freaking rose on your nose. Way to pray that the man on the Jericho road gets help, and not to bother getting off your own high horse to touch his wounds with your own hands. But keep praying you pious, hypocritical Pharisee!
Your boasting about your education over others, without knowing others, is a sure-fire indicator of insecurity -- and likely a bunch of lies. Goodey for you and economics. Now go fall in love with Jesus and ask for a new heart, and repent of the corrupt, judgmental, sickening evil that is in your heart.