You can be anti-zionist without being anti-semetic.
There is way too much info to post it all here, but zionism is being used as a tool of the Luciferian NWO who want to set up the capital of the Antichrist one world government in Jerusalem.
The Luciferian NWO consists of both Jews and Gentiles, not all Jews are part of the NWO, the Torah Jews who reject the evil Talmud and Cabala are actually persecuted by their fellow Jews who are Luciferian Freemason NWO Cabala Jews.
Unfortunately the Jews that are in power in Israel are the Luciferian NWO Jews, just like the many presidents in the U.S. who have been high level Luciferian Freemasons also betraying our country into a global government. (the Talmud/Cabala Jews are like a modern day version of the Pharisees, and you know how harshly Jesus spoke against the Pharisees)