Originally Posted by Sam
Oh, did they reject your application for membership?
Just kidding.
I just can't picture you being part of a group like that.
You are too independent in your thinking and too honest to go along with that kind of stuff.
I've never even tried to be a part of it.
That's just not who or what I am.
P.S. I preached this past Sunday for a pastor who is a strong three-stepper and there was no problem. He knows what I believe and I don't make an issue out of it.

Nope, I didn't not apply. I don't even know where it is, how to find it, or what the name of it is. There is a stench that radiates from the attitude of "Preachers Only" that is nauseating to me. I wouldn't dare. But...I'm sure the feeling is mutual!

I wouldn't last 5 minutes!
Seriously....When any group of people which share a common bond, separate themselves and not allow anyone into their group which does not share that common bond, it inherently says, "We're better, we're above, you're not worth our time."