No Bad Mouthing Apostolics Here
Lately, I've been in the valley-- a very rocky and dark valley.
Sadness has gripped me a few nights.
Anxiety attacks.
All of this, while temporarilly unable to make it to my church because of some transportation issues.
It has seemed to be very, very bad.
So I made it to church yesterday morning.
I'm not the only one going through. There seemed to be a bit of heaviness. In the past, I've been one to try to focus my prayers and worship during the service to fight that spirit of heaviness. This Sunday, it seemed there was little or any fight left in me.
It was all I could do to get to the House of God-- and I was so glad when I got there.
Smiling faces, nice songs, a good sermon and yet it was at the altar that God did something for me Sunday 03/13/2011.
There is this young guy-- maybe 16 years old. His father and I are friends and his son is a really good kid.
When the altar call was given, I was the first person at the altar-- but I didn't feel like praying. I wasn't going through the motions, I was really praying. It just seemed like I was wasting time.
So Evan comes up next to me and prays with me.
I keep praying while wondering where is God. Maybe I've strayed away in my mind too far-- anger, resentment, lust and everyday life can do a number on your thought life when you're not careful.
Evan is praying and he's pouring his heart out to God on my behalf.
Do you know how humbling it is to have someone pouring their heart to God on your behalf? I am not even sure if humbling describes every thoought associated with the experience. In fact, I began to feel a lifting inside me as Evan prayed for me.
It wasn't manufactured.
Finally, a single tear streamed down my face and soon many as this young man prayed for me.
When we were done praying, I was a different man with a different mindset. I had confidence in God and in myself. I had confidence in my place in God.
I BELIEVED in God again-- not that I ever stopped, but my confidence that God is with me, bringing me through all of this for His Purpose and that this is not happening by chance.
When we were done, there were two other brothers there to greet me. There wasn't anything deeply moving about the greeting, but I felt stronger as I left the sanctuary.
Despite the fact that I am certain that I do not see the scriptures the same way as most Apostolics, I thank God for the Apostolics.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."