Originally Posted by noeticknight
This is the seemingly "manufactured" process that I struggle with. From your words, it sounds as if your are inducing the experience.
For example, You give the rationale for the experience, and then you "induce" the experience; however, how do you clear the seeker of doubts about self-performance after one has obeyed these instructions?
Where are your Biblical directives for giving these instructions? Which scriptures give a solid assurance equal to the precision and confidence demonstrated in your presentation?
I ask these questions with all due respect and in sincerity.
Yeah, it came off to me that way too, and is definitely phrased in a way that I am very familiar with. "10 tips to receiving the Spirit," yet none of them are tips given from the apostles in scripture, to those who tarried in the Upper Room, to the Samaritans, etc...