Originally Posted by deacon blues
On the backs of the middle class? Seriously? First 50% of Americans pay ZERO taxes. Second, the government is the one taxing the middle class not rich people. Rich people are the job creators who are making it possible for the middle class have employment. The government is the task master here, not rich folks.
I do not consider myself to be rich. Between a pension from the company where I worked for 32 years, Social Security for my wife and myself, plus a mandatory withdrawal I had to take from my savings, my taxable income for 2010 was $27,897 and my federal taxes were $3344. Two elderly people have to live on that. That's all we have. Each year we see our income remain the same while costs/expenses go up. This year my federal with holding tax on my pension was increased by 39.1 percent and my net pay is 97.55 percent of what it was last year. This is the plight of the elderly on fixed incomes.