Originally Posted by triumphant1
Thin it not odd. I have hundreds of friends on Facebook. It doesn't mean I interact with them on a regular basis--some not at all. I keep a bunch if them hidden so I don't have to see their postrs in my news feed.
RM and I have known each other since we were teens and even did some youth camps together as evangelists in the early 90's. We both had a bunch of mutual friends and somewhere along the line we became FB friends. As far as I can remember, we have NEVER conversed on FB, nor have we ever posted on each others profiles.
I am sorry, T1. If it was anyone else but you, I wouldn't have thought a thing of it. Your siding with Daniel and his YouTube post just seems out of character for you. You've always come across to me as so mild mannered, it just threw me for a loop. LOL! Maybe I don't read all of your posts or something? LOL!
RM sees you talking here and knows you are on his friends list. It just seems that if you wanted to talk to him about this, you would contact him personally. He doesn't have to be the first one to step up. It's his church. He is the pastor and he doesn't have to answer to outsiders, IMO.