Originally Posted by originalsecretplace
Funny you should ask....
I just talked to a couple of work friends and we are going back to weekly weight watchers meetings.
I find that being weighed every week and keeping track of my weight and my intake of calories keeps me honest.
I also bought a treadmill a couple of months ago. I try to "tread" 40 minutes a day atleast 5 days a week. I keep track of the claories I burn in that 40 minutes so I will know how much energy I need to expend to balance out that ice-cream cone I want.
That's a good idea... I should keep track of my calories... And I do find the more I exercise, the less likely I am to eat the extra sweets... My thinking is that , If I am doing all this work to burn off what I already have on me, why add more......
I plan on buying a treadmill... I've been walking while my son rides his bike... At first that wasn't so bad because he just started learning...But now, he likes to zoom and I don't zoom....