Reporting in....
Reporting In…
I don’t know if anyone knows my story or not so I’ll offer some details. I left the UPCI church I had been attending and started attending a mainstream non-denominational church. THEY ARE DEEP. The pastor of this church is preaching through the entire Gospel of John right now. He began the first Sunday of January and it’s now March; last Sunday we finally got into the second chapter of John. He estimates it will take us two years to adequately cover the Gospel of John. I was absolutely astounded by what he was able to bring out of the first chapter of John. Two months of in-depth study.
The house church network associated with the church is covering the entire book of Hebrews. It’s a little more general but we’ll be in it a few months.
What I’ve realized in this church is that the focus is on humility and death to “self”, embracing Grace, and living in total surrender to Christ. This leads us down the road of deepening our prayer life and seeking to be Christlike. I’ve also spent some time examining a few Christian forums and talking with mainstream believers about various spiritual issues. Their focus is always prayer and intimacy with Jesus. They don’t dress like Apostolics traditionally dress. They don’t have the “chicken dance”. In the main sanctuary there are nearly 2,000 people seated while the pastor unfolds the Scriptures… and you can almost hear a pin drop. They are SERIOUS about the Bible and worship. Not to the point of hype and emotionalism… but serious about communing with the Spirit and understanding God’s Word.
When I come to an Apostolic forum I’m a little disturbed. I’m read constant disputes about “standards”. I’m hearing variant teachings on ESSENTIALS clashing. The disharmony is something I never really noticed until now. It’s almost deafening. The debate about hair is almost stomach churching. I actually felt dizzy. The instability and debate seems rampant. And this isn’t debate on Calvinism vs. Arminianism, this is debate on essentials of the Apostolic faith and standards vs. standards vs. standards. Very little is focused on allowing Jesus to live through you and becoming one with Him as intimately as what I’m learning in this new church. The notion of “Grace” often appears non-existent. Where did “Grace” go?
It almost seems like each of us has our own religion.
Why so much disharmony among those claiming to be filled with the Holy Ghost? It greatly troubles me. As I learn more about grace and intimate fellowship with Christ and other believers, I’m feeling that I need to bring my understanding back to my Apostolic friends and associates. I’ve posted a few things regarding grace and practicing the presence of Christ… yet they don’t seem to get as much attention as uncut hair or questions about churches changing standards. Having stepped outside and coming back in…. I’m seeing some very upsetting things. Pleas share your thoughts.
Grace is only greasy if you can easily slip through the Father’s hands.