Originally Posted by OneAccord
Ok, so according to some of our illustrious posters, women can't preach. They aren't allowed to teach. Is that the gist of it? So, what ARE women allowed to do? No seriously, what does the Bible allow women to do?
Well, lets see. "your,,, daughters shall prophesy". Does that include speaking in tongues or being used in any of the Gifts of the Spirit? Well, Phillips daughters were prophetesses so I suppose they can be used in the gift of prophecy. But, since there is no scriptural precedence for women laying hands on the sick, I suppose thats out. And, speaking in tongues would have to out for a couple of reasons. One, they are to remain silent in the presence of men and 2), we have no scriptural precedence for women speaking in tongues. Well, there were women present at Pentecost but we are never told specifically that they spoke in tongues (and we have to have direct scriptural evidence).
What about leading worship? Or leading singing? No Bible for that either. What about teaching? Well, the Bible does tell us that the aged women are to teach the younger women "...to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands..." Tts 2:4-5
But to teach younger women, the aged women have to meet certain qualifications, which includes, "teachers of good things". Whoa.... teachers? But Paul said he does not allow "...a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence". Accordingly, is a woman forbidden to teach anyone but younger women? What about women teaching children? Any Bible for that?
So, a woman can't preach, teach, lead worship/singing. She can't testify or anything else that requires vocalization (Gotta be in silence, remember?) I guess Priscilla was completely out of order when she assisted her husband in expounding the way of God more perfectly to Apollos. But she couldn't be so bold as to do any expounding. I suppose she assisted by bringing the men some tea or something.
I'm so glad for the day when that veil in the temple was rent in two, giving both Jew and Gentile, male and female, the freedom in Christ to be used of God how He sees fit. There was a day when I'd argue with you tooth and toenail that a woman can't preach. So glad for the day when He took my blinders off and I stopped limiting God to my narrow veiw of what I think the Bible teaches. So glad that 1Cr 12:7 says, "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal". Oops! that says "every MAN". Sorry ladies, back to the kitchen with ya....