02-18-2011, 01:38 PM
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Re: Survey About Doctrinal Beliefs
Originally Posted by Socialite
My children hear me praying, my children pray with me, my children see me feeding the poor, caring for neighbors, have dinner with sinners, they see our family proclaiming justice, helping the needy, living life as a Gospel family, they hear the Good News in a way that it was intended -- Good News. They are discipled in The Way, I've entrusted them ultimately to God, who cares for them and loves them even deeper than I ever could. They will hopefully not have to endure a judgmental culture, one with uniforms and vacuous sanctification, one where godly living is where the rubber meats the road, not focused on their closet or wardrobe. They will see all believers and followers of Jesus as family, not as unfortunate souls bound for hell, apostates and satan's army. They will view unbelieving people as image bearers, who Christ died for and loves, who without the cross, are really no different than you or I. They have friends outside the Bubble. They've learned to live life in a such a way that radically reflects God's graciousness and goodness.
They may never see an aisle runner, be told to speak in tongues on the spot, or have to have their dresses measured by a pastor, but I think they will be just fine
Thank you.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."