Originally Posted by Answered13
Because of the thread about The Pale Horse, I started thinking of a million things I heard growing up about the end time that never happened.
What are some you had heard?
I will start:
A television that will blow up if you do not bow to it
A person was driving down the street and passed a hitchhiker. They looked back and the hitchhiker was in their backseat. They said " I am an angel sent to tell you Jesus is coming back soon" I had heard this story claimed as true.(I found this on Snopes.com)LOL
The big Belgum computer (I also found this on Snopes)
The fact that George H W Bush was a secret society member who was pushing for one world order! (Give me a break)
About 3 popes ago it was supposed to be last according to the made up time clock out of Revelations.