Originally Posted by Praxeas
See that is your problem. Study of scriptures involves knowing to whom it was written, when and why.
A greeting with a kiss is what Paul said to do. So you are being selective in what you want to believe and obey.
BTW I was not making an argument of popularity. I was making the point that the UPC looked at what the subject of braiding hair was using hermeneutics, I didn't argue their view was the right view because it was more popular.
You said I was equivocating "again"..please show me where I ever equivocated at any time. Just saying someone equivocated does not mean anything unless you can show where I did,
The fact is you are claiming Paul said something and we need to obey it as it is written and my point is you are selective in doing that because Paul said to greet each other with a Holy Kiss. Why don't you obey that too?
Ahhh yes, the ol' "Kiss" argument [borrowed form Josh Spiers/Jason Young, no doubt!]. I personally know of some who DO practice this & YES, I wish it were still practiced! Silly me....there I go believing the Bible again....who-da'-thunk-it????