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Old 02-01-2011, 08:54 AM
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crakjak crakjak is offline

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Re: If you leave a church, your out of Gods will ?

Originally Posted by A.W. Bowman View Post
No matter what one does in life, or in church, you will not please everyone, nor even be accepted by most. If there is a “leading” of the Spirit to go, or to do something, then go and do it! Do not look for conformation in man’s opinions. It is nice when that happens, but we are admonished not to put our trust in any man (or woman, but in God alone.

For those who would say, “your out of God will.”, the simple response is to ask them what is God’s will concerning the lives and ministries of the other members of the congregation. That is, what is this individual’s history as a prophet among the assembly? If the person who is making such a statement concerning you and God’s will is in a leadership position, ask them for their reasoning (spiritual insight and knowledge) for making such a judgment. Are they looking out after your best spiritual interest (and that of those you might minister to) or are they looking out after “their own best interest”, as they perceive that to be?

There is a scriptural foundation for seeking out counsel prior to committing yourself to any course of action or undertaking up a new task. But, the counsel must be “wise counsel”, not just the gathering the opinions from those who have a vested self interest in influencing your decisions!

Finally, what great sin does the scriptures assign to an individual who goes out and actually tests what is perceived to be the leading (instruction) of the Holy Spirit? Who fears what you might discover by your stepping out in faith, and why do these people fear what you might discover? It could be our Lord will be clear and show you that you are NOT to make any changes in your life and/or life style. Will the expected response from your current church be, “See, we told you so!”? Or, will it be, “Thank God you listened to His voice, and welcome home.”? How would you respond if God told you no, don’t make any moves now? Could you handle that as well?

Now, search out your heart and make sure your motives are clear before God. Why are you thinking of making a move? Be honest with yourself. If your conscience is clear before God, and there remains a “spiritual pull” to make a change, then go for it! Test it! And, abide by the results as you understand them to be – in God’s eyes. You might be met with a great deal of hindrance – but do not use in-the-world resistance or circumstances as the standard of measurement, use the word of God and the witness of God’s Spirit to your spirit.

Now, go study and pray.
Well reasoned and well said, AW!
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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