Originally Posted by MissBrattified
I disagree that there is any "filth" on the AFF; however, I agree that this is not a child-friendly site. My children can participate in forums like this when they are adults and not a moment before, if I have any say in it.
Most discussion forums cover topics that are not child-friendly. For one thing, children are still developing ideas and belief systems, and that should be parent-directed--not "stranger-on-the-internet-directed." Once we have raised our children to the best of our ability and they are well settled in the fundamentals, they can discuss things with their peers and elders to their hearts' content. Beyond that, there are discussions with themes that are purely adult in nature.
So, I agree with them that this is not a child-safe site. It isn't intended to be.
What kind of kids would actually hang out in an AFF forum!!!??? haha.
MB, your children are open to ideas everyday that are "stranger-directed." Classrooms, locker rooms, friend's houses, people they meet, books they read, shows they watch, etc... If there is a discipling relationship, they will want to talk about the questions and things with you, which gives you an even better advantage of helping to disciple them through complex issues.
I don't consider a 15 or 16-year a "child" anymore. They are prime-time at the age of inquiry, reasoning, etc.