Originally Posted by missourimary
Very interesting. Even more so, that I've very rarely heard T&I to praise or exalt God, to proclaim His mighty deeds... or to edify, exhort, or comfort the church. Most of what I've heard has been along the lines of:
"Hear ye the word of the Lord! I the Lord am coming soon. You know the deeds of your heart. Repent, and get ready!"
or "Thus saith the Lord. My prophet has spoken tonight. Why do you resist? Why is your heart still hardened? I long for you, my people, but you would not."
In other words, messages of condemnation and judgment to the church, not comfort or edification, much less praise.
Most of what I've heard was ...building up of faith or encouraging the body to reach out to lost souls or believing on Him for their needs.
BTW "edification" does not translate into "Joel Osteen feel good sound bytes"...
Edification means to build, the word actually means architecture. The church of Jesus is a building and it's being built. If that means a person or members of a congregation need a warning, so be it
However not all tongues were strictly meant for the church as is evidenced by
Acts 2,
I have been in services where repentance and converting to unbelievers was preached and at the end there was an T&I that gave the same sort of warning you just posted...the implication was for the unconverted or uncommitted (backsliders)