Perhaps we are seeing different parts of the elephant. But I have a hard time understanding others who insist that there are hard and fast distinctive roles that men and women; husbands and wives play.
So called "feminine" qualities are listed as fruits of the Spirit not feminine qualities only. And men like Moses were described as meek. Wisdom is spoken of in feminine terms.
I cannot imagine a husband who loves his wife as his own flesh; forcing something that is detestible (to his wife) upon her. A marriage where the husband loves his wife as his own flesh; then by its very nature; is mostly a dance of mutual submission.
So then an enduring marriage is much more about communication, cooperation and consideration than hard and fast roles. Both the husband and wife; over the course of a lifetime marriage will find themselves making sacrafices for the sake of their spouse.
As a whole; spouses balance each others weaknesses and their marriages thrive because of it. Consequently, it is a mistake to think or insist that all men and women should fit a particular cookie cutter mold.
Individuals are unique. And God calls the husband to love his wife (her uniqueness) as himself and the wife to reverence her husband. And that is real life in marriages that make it to the 50 year mark.