Originally Posted by BeenThinkin
I have a question. Maybe slightly off subject, but here goes. I noticed on another thread that William Branham was taken to task for some of his teaching, even to the judgement of some that "he's going to hell!" (Now, let me say, I'm neither for or against Bro. Branham...met him in 1964 and I went on with my life and he went on with his!) But if you're gonna take Bro, Branham to task for his preaching, why isn't LS taken to task by some of you for his ridiculous doctrines as well! And I'm aware that some of you do take him to task, or at least one of you! daII lol Just sayin'
Been Thinkin
An excellent question... or a really excellent point.
It's not as if there's NO PRECEDENT in the U.P. of C. for taking a preacher to task over his teachings.