Originally Posted by Seascapes
How vouchers hurt the public schools, means less money for the public schools, less money means less qualified teachers and less updated books. The federal support for schools are on the number of children in schools, you know that. So the more students that go to private schools with their vouchers, means less students in the public schools. Now what did you mean by your last statement "Obama Killed vouchers in D.C. for poor minorities." Are you meaning that because he is half black? If so shame on you.
"If so"?
Wow, you never cease to amaze.
bad mouth everyone on here who disagrees with your unfounded positions.
Do you even read the responses? You've been given fact after fact and you never refute them....
Talk about "shame"...if so.
What about the facts posted showing you that it's Obama that is cutting medicare with his obamacare. Where on earth do you think the funds are going to come from? He's cutting out a ton of money. People are having their benefits cut, but you're so blind to truth you refuse to see what's happening.
I'd laugh....but, I just can't.
Just in case you missed it, I'll bold it:
CBO Chief: Medicare Benefits Could Be Cut:
WASHINGTON — Congress’ chief budget officer is contradicting President Barack Obama’s oft-stated claim that seniors wouldn’t see their Medicare benefits cut under a health care overhaul.
The head of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, told senators Tuesday that seniors in Medicare’s managed care plans would see reduced benefits….
The heart, the soul and the core of the TWO part Obama Health Care Plan (remember the first portion of the Plan creating the rationing boards and the enforcement boards was hidden in The Stimulus Bill) is to cut costs by denying and rationing care. The end result is to OPPRESS health care FREEDOM for every person and family in OUR country This is the most INHUMANE and UNETHICAL means of cutting costs. President Obama has spoken 124 times on health care in the past 3 months and on each of these occasions he has stated that “health care will not be rationed under our plan … especially for seniors.”
So it looks like he NOT only disagrees with the “little old country Doctor from Michigan” but according to the non – partisan Congressional Budget Office his statements on the issue — all 124 times — are NOT accurate in their eyes and analysis as well. Some might say he has been misrepresentative. Others might say, “He has repetitively lied to the public.” You decide.
Two numbers to remember — according to the President, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid, to pay for their plan they will cut $500 Billion in Medicare over 10 years. The problem comes with the next number. In 10 years there will be 30% more people in Medicare due to demographics. So their plan cuts $500 billion and there will be 30% more people in Medicare. There is only one way this can work — RATIONING and DENYING of care for every person in Medicare.
It is a “good thing” the President and his administration snuck the rationing board (The Federal Council For Comparative Effectiveness Research) in the Stimulus Bill and funded it for $1.1 BILLION. They have a lot of work to do as soon as possible in denying care to Americans.
That's 500 billion being cut from medicare by the democrats!
wow...wake up.