Originally Posted by Mr. Smith
No, no, no, I never said it was a tough decision. Not at all. It was a very easy decision. When they asked me if I would perform the wedding, I said that I needed time to consider. I never hesitated attending the wedding.
I thought you said something very similar, but I'd have to dig back through the thread, and I'm not going to.
You said something about feeling uncomfortable.... something like that.
No, I'm not surprised that people don't jump on the bandwagon when I consider where they're coming from and the lifetime of exclusionary religion.
But when I consider the reality of it all? Yes, it's amazing to me that the very movement that was founded on the efficacious, unconditional love of Jesus Christ, could have produced so many that are so far removed from the core principle of the movement.
As Erwin McManus says, "The greatest enemy to the movement of Jesus Christ, is Christianity."
I still don't think you're seeing the viewpoint. It's not about being exclusionary. It's just the fact that there is very real sin out there (not just homosexuality), and we have to all work out for ourselves how we interact with those involved, and how we deal with it all on a day to day basis.
You brought up a question a while back - I think it was "Would you drive a friend to a bar?" (something like that) These are ethical/spiritual questions we all have to work out for ourselves.
I understand WHY you made the decision to attend. I would have made a different one. Because to me, no matter what I said, I would feel that I was participating in something that God condemns. I would have felt no differently about attending the ceremony than I would have felt about performing the ceremony.
I could have them over for dinner, help them if they're needy, give them love and counsel when they're hurting. Just because I wouldn't attend the ceremony doesn't mean that I don't understand the unconditional love of God or that I'm removed from the core of the movement.
(And it's statements like the second quote that make people think you think you're just a tad more spiritual than those who disagree with you.