Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
I've never denied that, my position is that such service should continue under the DADT policy.
Originally Posted by Mr. Smith
WHY?????? Why is there a need to set up a secret code for gays in the military??
Your ignoring my point which is To give homosexuals recognized and approved military status is to pave the way for them to further push their agenda. If this were ONLY DADT and it was going to stop there, I could see your point a little bit more. But its not. Sin is never satisfied, and the homosexual activists haven't kept it secret what their goals are-they want open and full acceptance on every level of society, from the military, to the elementary school, to the church, etc.
Do YOU really think this is ONLY about the military, and nothing whatsoever will ever come out of it again?
Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
Good grief, the shower issue hasn't even entered my posts. But I will be the first to say I don't want to shower with a gay person. Not everyone who showers in prison is gay. Believe me, it only takes ONE person who is homosexual for something immoral to happen.
Originally Posted by Mr. Smith
Well, like I've said before, I don't do public showers. But if I did, I wouldn't mind a gay person being in there. Why should I care? That's his issue, not mine.
Like I said there are some hetero sexuals in jail that can testify that the homosexuals "issue" didn't become theirs.
I'm all for reaching out to all people. Incarcerated, homeless, abused, addicts, and even homosexuals. I'm not afraid of their sin, anymore than when I go to the county jail and preach to rapists, theives, and murderers, and there's probably some homosexuals there.
Just because I don't speak for their right to sin and the government make me approve of it, doesn't mean I don't love them.
Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
I love your zeal for people. Please don't think or accuse me of not loving someone because I don't approve of them having free reign to practice their sin. The more sin is suppressed and considered shameful the better. They already practice homosexuality, its sin and they need repentance, they don't need us to remove the stigma from it.
Originally Posted by Mr. Smith
I didn't say you didn't love them, but if you do, act it out, don't just say it. The last 12 Sundays or so, a young man who is gay has sit next to my family at church. It's his first pursuit of God since his teenage years when he was put on the street by his family. You should try it sometime....it just might have an incredible impact on the way you see people like him.
Smith, what makes you think I would do anything different? What do you think I would do, tell Him God hates him and unless he repents this moment he's burning in hell forever?
I'd do much the same, we've had gay people visit our church, though I'm appalled by their lifestyle, I go out of my way (I'm pretty shy in person) to make them feel welcome and shake their hand. They need God, just like I needed (and still do) need God. I'm not against loving the homosexual any more than loving the murderer. I AM against making their sin (and any sin) more convienient, and see their sin as particulary dangerous to society because obviously if everyone was homosexual the human race would die out in a genereation.
This is not a debate on the sinner, but on the sin.