Originally Posted by Pastor Poster
Great post Renda!
I see men who won't get an education or work so the woman steps in to pick up the slack. She becomes accustomed to filling that role and carries it over into church and everything else. It's a complete breakdown.
On the otherhand, I see men who are hardworking and quite educated who's wives simply have a manipulating and overbearing spirit.
All of this makes delegating leadership roles very hard for a pastor.
I can only imagine.
It is a breakdown and it is sad.
Just a little story that's not completely on topic, but then it is.
I had dinner with a couple last night that I didn't know real well. During the dinner I experienced one of the most uncomfortable moments I have experienced in a long time.
The waiter was taking our order and asked the lady which one she was with and she said "the fat one down there". It wasn't a joke, she wasn't saying it lovingly she was being downright mean. I felt so sorry for him. He just sat there like a whipped puppy. I wanted to smack her - - just couldn't imagine how she could say that outloud in front of people.
I have heard that she makes him tuck his shirt in when he's just around the house and will tell him in front others to go tuck your shirt in.
Needless to say they sleep in separate bedrooms, but how messed up is that?