Originally Posted by NotforSale
Sandie, if you get the chance, watch the film. It's excellent. The film reveals that radicalism is entering all Faiths in the World, and the gentleman who did the film is doing all that he can to make sure his Jewish Family doesn't fall prey to this extremism.
He takes his family back to Poland where his parents were protected by Gentiles during the Holocaust. He is trying to show his Family that there are good people in every culture and Nation.
The interesting point that stuck out to me was that his own father, who supported hatred towards the Gentiles, was brought back to Poland to meet those who saved his life; Polish Gentiles.
I probably shouldn't have commented in this thread without having viewed the film first. I have a hard time viewing and listening to things about Jews, that's probably a bit irrational, but usually such things are very negative
I'm glad you told me about the what this man is trying to do. I hope he is being very understanding towards his father. One can't judge what he must have endured even being saved.
One of my favorite people in all the world is Corrie ten Boom. I know God gave special grace and strength to that dear family.
I just wish there would have been so many more.
I'll try and work up the courage to view the film.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.