Originally Posted by Felicity
I believe in revival too and I definitely believe in an end time revival. There have been several revivals just in the last decade that have greatly affected many areas of the world. The revival that took place in China was phenomenal - truly amazing and truly sovereignly designed and birthed by God Almighty.
Does or would anybody here agree that most of the great revivals that have happened which have impacted whole countries, nations and regions have have not come through or as a result of a church?
I know that prayer moves God and that God responds to love for the lost and intercession on their behalf.
There are men and women today standing in the gap and their prayer is making a difference.
I tend to disagree. Every revival I have ever studied has been a result of men and women humbling themselves before Almighty God, and praying. Sometimes it was years before the answer came.
The Welsh revival of 1904 did not start in 1904, but started approx 8 years prior when Evan Roberts was seen burdened for God, and crying out "BEND ME!".
I think the problem is that we see the end results, but we do not always see the sometimes years of secret prayer and travail that prepared the soil for seed time, and harvest.
I am hungry today for God, and that hunger grows.