Huckabee DEFENDS Obama's Trip To India!
The former Governor acknowledged that for cancelling the pre-scheduled trip to India would have been, "very insulting" to India, an increasingly important ally to the United States given its proximity to Pakistan.
"They've been a good friend of the United States, not only in terms of diplomatic friendship, but they've also been a good trade partner," Huckabee told Van Susteren. "For him to abruptly cancel the trip would have been a snub of epic proportions and would have had long-lasting implications and created damage that, frankly, we don't need right now in the international community. We need all the friends we can get, and India is one of them we need to keep."
-- former Governor Mike Huckabee
... and this is why Mr. Huckabee will always have my respect.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."