Originally Posted by Berkley
What the heck does that mean?
That means that when you pray together, if God gives you instructions, you best make sure it gets the pastor's approval. My wife and I served in leadership of our first church. They issued an order that all in leadership had to attend morning prayer at like 6am twice a week. Well, we only had one vehicle. I had to get my wife to work, drop off our son at the baby sitter, and drive across town to get myself to work. We prayed and felt like the Lord told us we didn't have to go. I checked in with the pastor on this and he appeared to agree. After his wife confronted my wife and accused us of "rebellion", he seemed to forget that we had agreed on what God told us. That was the beginning of me and my wife being black listed. My wife was shattered. She wanted to leave and go to another church. I told her that we'd done nothing wrong and that it was a misunderstanding, surely leadership would see that, we were to remain faithful. I forced my wife to attend with me for nearly 8 months while she was cut out of everything and we were "gossipped" about. Eventually after a vacation to Canada, the week away gave us some peace and clarity, we decided to find another church. But the damage was done. She no longer trusted a church with her heart and soul. And that was beginning of her fall. I shouldn't have forced her to do anything. I should have heeded her feelings and found someplace that would be safe. I failed her. Of course when a gent she worked with gave her respect, affirmed that she didn't have to tolerate "that ........", and her friends "cheered her on" when she decided to stay out partying with them, leaving me home with our child... well... how can I blame her? She found people who seemed to really care... something we didn't find in church.