Originally Posted by coadie
Evolution: A Theory in Crisis by Michael Denton.
The Coelacanth fish was touted to be a transitional form with half-formed legs and primitive lungs, ready to transition onto land. This myth was exploded in December, 1938 when a live Coelacanth was caught in a fisherman's net off the eastern coast of South Africa. It is now known that the natives of the Comoro Islands had been catching and eating the fish for years. It did not have half-formed legs or primitive lungs. It was simply a regular fish that people thought was extinct. Click the picture to see an enlargement. Evolutionist claimed the 350 million-year-old Coelacanth evolved into animals with legs, feet, and lungs. That was a lie. We now see that the fish recently caught is exactly like the 350 million-year-old fossil. It did not evolve at all.
So the "half formed" extremeties have remained half formed.
I can see why Behe became angry when Denton raised questions no one previously dared.
In a religion, like "Darwinism" people need to be quiet.
Pelthais is a know it all and can't splain this either.