Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
Agreed. Beliving the Genesis account of evolution theory can hardly be called mindless. Beliving God created all things rather than that all of the universe, creation, and every thing we know to exist came from a big bang from a object smaller "than a period on this page" is quite ridiculous and mindless. Believing that chicken are decendants from dinosoars, that wHales lives on land, and a hundred thousand such myths is quite mindless. (I don't know exactly where you stand on these issues, but these are some of the things I heard while listening to the debate)
If you don't mind.
Personally, regardless of whether or not Kent Hovind is a model Christian or not, there are SOME (not all) seeemingly very good arguments in the debate here. IOW his arguments cannot be dismissed simply because of his person.
From "where I stand" I see an otherwise smart guy spouting some rather ignorant statements.
How about this... get together some of the points that you feel are most compelling about Hovind's presentation and we'll have Prax set up a one-on-one.
That's what really shook me out of the YEC stuff - having to stand up personally in front of an audience or congregation and teach this stuff. It was humiliating. I have no desire to humiliate you, but if you'd like to go the route that I did... let me know.
I'm even willing to debate folks like Arlo Moehlenpah (who refuses to even talk to me in any forum that might be recorded or published - privately only!) or Steve Grohman (creationseminar.net), who I have yet to meet. These are the top two Young Earth Creationist guys in the UPCI and Apostolic fellowship and frankly, their arguments are pathetic. Maybe Steve's got something that he does in person that's not available on his website or in the videos, dunno. But frankly, most of our college educated young people backslide soon after hearing from these two guys.