Originally Posted by Aquila
I've become rather close to a few Muslim friends here at work. Over the past three or four weeks we've been discussing Islam and Christianity. One thing that stood out to me is how they see Christians. They see us arguing and fighting over everything, and they see this as a testimony that we are in error and confusion. Ali, a good friend, explained that he is disturbed that Christians put such an ephasis on creed or doctrine and not enough emphasis on prayer and inward holiness. He believes that not even God cares what we know, because we can never know it all, but rather God cares about how we live because that directly effects the entire world around us.
I began to really think about that. Many in our fellowship are so hung up on "the truth", man made standards, and getting the formula right... but we're neglecting that solid, quiet, resolve of inner holiness.
I just thought I'd throw this in.
Great thought Aquila,
Thanks I once started to read the Koran and one of the first thing that was said in the first few pages it seems, was that they could not understand how Christians got the idea that there were three Gods.
And yes too many are so hung up on getting the formula right that they forget it is all about relationship with God. If we are so worried about being saved and staying saved where do we have time to have a personal relationship with God?
My Brother called me the other day, to tell me how he was thinking. He said God created man for relationship with him. He came down to pay the ultimite price for this relationship. So is only the few on the strait and narrow the ones to be saved? If this is true than has not God lost to Satan and Satan comes away with more in hell than God does in heaven. And all this because we "Full truth" teachers send everyone to hell that does not get salvation our way. But we forget the Christianity of all these others that we say are going to hell just because they have not followed our patern of works salvation.
Just some thoughts.